Meeting Belarus Girls [ My Experience Dating Belarusian Women in Minsk ]

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Meeting Belarus Girls [ My Experience Dating Belarusian Women in Minsk ]


Meeting Belarus Girls – My Experience Dating Belarusian Women in Minsk!

Belarus! – Did you ever hear about it? No?

How about… Minsk!

Ring any bells?

Yes, I am sure the name “Minsk” does ring a bell as it was the famous city that one of Phoebe Buffay’s boyfriends (in the sitcom “Friends”) was  transfered to do some isolated science experiment in a dark, cold former Soviet Union city.

No worries! – Of course an 90’s American tv-show might portray Belarus as a remote and under-developed country, but that could not be further from the truth. Belarus is booming!

And yes, so are the Belarusian Women!

Let’s get started!

Belarus is located between the Baltic States, Poland, Russia and Ukraine and is known for its Stalinist architecture, grand fortifications, primeval forests and of course.. beautiful women!

It is no joke when I say that this country has some of the most gorgeous looking Slavic girls and even though it is hard to believe their personalities are even better.

You can easily find a Belarus girlfriend and become one of the happiest guys on the face of the earth. They are kind, smart, educated, absolutely stunning (yes, you will never get used to their amazing looks) and have a soft spot for foreigners.

Of course, this does not mean you can just pick up any Belarusian girl that you like. Read this blog post carefully and use our tips & tricks on your dates.

I will show you where to meet Belarusian singles, how the Belarus dating world works and give you a few (but V-E-R-Y important) tips that you can use to make your date a big success.. or incase you do not want to read them.. a disaster!

Ready? Here we go!

Click Here To Meet Belarus Women Online For Free!

The Girls Of Belarus – Why they are amazing!

I know what you are thinking.

Belarus, Russia, Ukrainian. Is there even any difference?

Yes, but you will need to have lived in all three of these countries to understand and recognize these subtle differences. Thankfully, I did and I am here to tell you what the differences are based on my experiences dating in all three countries.

Belarus women are, just like the Ukrainians and Russians, focused on family. Family will always be an important factor in any Eastern European country and Belarus is no exception. You will need to understand that one you have captured a Belarus beauty and are in a serious relationship she will do anything for you.

Traditional Belarusian Women
Traditional Belarusian Women

And here is where the difference is between Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. The Belarus girls will try to contribute to the relationship in an emotional but sometimes also financial way. You have to understand that this is a huge factor, as Russian and Ukrainian girls are more traditional.

This means that in Russia & Ukraine the male provides and the female cares. This won’t ever change! Girls from Estonia, Poland and Serbia are a bit more independent.

I would also say that the girls in Minsk (capital of Belarus –  In case you forgot!) are more social and friendly to foreigners compared to the Russians. I would put them in the same category as the Ukrainians. Warm, kind and educated.

If this does sounds like music to the ears, you just know that dating Belarus women is perfect step for you!

Dating in Belarus

There are several ways to approach the dating game in Belarus. Let’s find out which ones work best!

Belarus Dating Agency

If you are really un-experienced with dating a foreign woman or just bad in finding the right girl you can always consider a dating agency. A dating agency arranges several meetings where you will participate in several dating events, where you can meet several woman at once.

They will have translators, but also girls who speak English. Here you can also find Belarus women for marriage as every women has her own goals.

The downside? It is not private and there will be other guys as well. So even if you meet that dream girl, the will still meet other guys during the event.

Sugar Dating in Belarus

Making an arrangement with a Belarusian girl is becoming more and more common. If you are not interested in love and just want to enjoy a good time you might want to set-up a deal with a local girl. You will pay her money, buy her gifts and more and she will do whatever you agree upon. 😉 These are mostly college girls that are in need of extra money to pay for school or rent.

Interested? Sign-up here!

Online Dating in Belarus

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Russian cupid

If you’re considering heading to Belarus, you should definitely consider doing some online dating in preparation of your trip. It will prepare you for the local dating game and make sure you will be ready for any questions the Belarus girls might ask you.

It also protects you from any scammers you can encounter during the Minsk nightlife adventures as you will already know the person before you arrive. I highly recommend you do not just try to meet women blindly as your level of success will be very little if you do not speak fluent Russian.

I recommend Russian Cupid  as the best Belarus Dating Site. Tinder and Badoo are not very popular in Belarus, and a lot of girls actually use Russian Cupid as they know that most foreign men use that website.

It also gives you the chance to meet girls that actually speak English. Because let’s be honest? How good is your Russian these days?

Hmmm.. I am waiting? Exactly!

Sign up for free, check out all the profiles and try to find as many Belarusian women as possible to talk to.

Best City To Meet Belarusian Singles

Did you watch the whole video? Its ok! I watched it a million times. 😉

FOCUS  – let’s get back to the article now!

To answer that question right away:  Minsk!

The capital is the best place to meet English-speaking women and also provides the best restaurants, hotels and entertainment opportunities.

Even if you meet a girl online that is not from this region, I recommend you try to meet up with her in the capital. It is just that much more fun!

Once you have had a few meetings, you can always decide to jump on the train and visit her city/village. The railroads in Belarus are excellent and the landscapes are beautiful.

How to get to Minsk?

Traveling by plane is most popular amongst travelers. Minsk National Airport is the national airport of Belarus and operates daily flights to almost every destination in Europe and the rest of the world. It is located about 30 kilometers from the city centre.

Other major airlines that fly into Minsk are:

  • Aeroflot (Russia)
  • Lufthansa (Germany)
  • Austrian Airlines
  • Lot (Poland)
  • Air Baltic (Latvia)
  • Etihad Airways (United Arab Emirates)
  • Air China

Other forms of transportation

  • Bus : Hourly departures from the airport to the city center.
  • Train station: Shuttle bus takes you to the train station “National Airport Minsk” where you can take a train from Smolevichi to Minsk);
  • Taxi (price is €27)


minsk girls
We dated for a few months – but I got dumped after she figured out I was not serious at all! Fair enough – because I wasn’t! 😉

Picking up girls during the day is certainly a challenge if you do not speak the local language. To avoid disappointment I highly recommend you meet some girls online first, before you decide to travel to Minsk.

As I only speak Russian it was a lot easier for me to talk to different people – but I still noticed that most women were a bit shy as they know their English is not that good.

A golden tip; Go to as many social gatherings as possible – Even if it is just with females friends. It will be a lot easier to meet new people when you stay in a hostel, go on daily tours, pub-crawls and another popular one was Salsa lessons.

Yes.. Yes. I know what you are thinking:

Salsa lessons in Belarus?  What the (…) are you talking about?

Yup – I had the exact some thought – but one of my colleagues took me to a Salsa event and it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Most of the women can’t dance that well and just love a guy that has a few basic moves!

Personal note: My experiences with girls from Minsk is based on a certain age group. The girls I dated are between 22 and 35 years old. I have no experience with more older Belarusian women. Therefore, you might need to do some extra research if you are looking for Minsk women that are 35+.

Nightlife in Minsk

The nightlife in Minsk is pretty wild. There are several great bars and nightclubs that you can explore that will rock your world when it comes to girls.

How does the nightgame compare to the daygame?

Actually – Compared to Moscow and Kiev, I must say that both options produce great results.

As for the nightgame, I would warm up by going to a Salsa party or a similar social gathering. This would last for a few hours between 8:00 and 11:00 PM. Afterwards, I would go out with the same group to the bars and disco’s to continue our nightlife adventure.

My favorite clubs and bars in  Minsk

Name: RichCat
Opening hours: Thursday – Sunday (23-00 to 6-00)
Location: 29 Very Horuzhej st.
Official Website:

This place is a real exclusive type of bar. They play mostly RnB and Hip Hop, but there is also a fine dining restaurant included.

Do I go there every week? Nope! But sometimes you just want a guys night-out, get wasted, dance your ass off and watch some stunning Belarusian eye-candy!

Name: Dozari
Opening hours
: Wednesday – Sunday (from 22-00 to 6-00)
Location: Nezavisimosti Avenue, 58
Official Website:

The crowds are a bit older in this nightclub. Which is great – because older women (30+) need love too and with all these hot young 18 year old dancers jumping around these older ladies jump on the first guy that gives them some attention.

Don’t share that golden-tip with anyone! 😉

What do Belarus Girls Like? Warning: Important tips!

Belarusian girls

Ok – good news!

You have found an amazing girl and you are ready for your first date. Of course, it is important to get your A game on and therefore I wrote down these important tips that will make her and her family fall in love with you instantly!

Family is number one

Maybe the most important rule of them all. Her family is number one! It does not matter how smooth or cool you think you are. If her mama and grandmother do not like you..

Well – It is over my friend!

Make sure you always make an amazing impression on the parents and grandparents. Bring flowers for the women and a nice bottle of Vodka for her father and grandfather.

It might take some time, but once they accept you everything will be fine. If you really want to make an impression I recommend you learn some basic Russian. The older generation does not speak much English – You will make a killing impression for sure!

Casual hook-ups

This is not very popular in Belarus. If you expect to have a lot of hook-ups whilst visiting Belarus you might want to consider staying at home. Most girls are just interested in finding long-term relationships and maybe you get lucky, but I know from experience that is not common. At least 3 dates are needed, before making any progress.

They will test you and once they find out you are just interested in 1 thing, they will dump you as fast as lighting.

Oh yes, and they will also tell all their friends!

Impress her best friend

Making a good impression on her best friend is key. Now you do not want to buy her any flowers or chocolate as that might sent a wrong message to your date, but make sure you are always polite to her and include her in the conversation if she happens to join on one of your meets.

I guarantee you that your date will ask her for a second opinion. So it better be good!

Language skills

A lot of people assume that the people of Belarus speak Russian, but the local language is actually Belarusian.

What is the difference you ask?

Russian and Belarusian have a common Slavic basis. However, Russian and Belarusian developed separately. Belarusian is closer to Polish and Ukrainian than Russian. Its vocabulary and grammar has enough similarities for Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians to understand each other well, whereas Russians understand only will recognise separate words.

What about English?

As I traveled a lot from Moscow to Minsk I can honestly say that you will only find good English-speaking people in the capital itself. Outside of the capital it is almost non-existent.

Girl Friendly Hotels in Minsk

Here is a good overview of all the girl friendly hotels in Minsk. Always book a girl friendly hotel, as some hotels won’t allow dates or ladies of the night back to your hotel room. A good preparation is halve the battle, my friends!

HotelCityRatingEscort in hotelAdditional feesMy Remarks
Hotel Belarus - Click Here For Rates!Minsk3/5YesNo
Hotel Europe - Click Here For Rates!Minsk5/5YesNoGirls in lobby and bar and call service
Hotel Orbita - Click Here For Rates!Minsk3/5NoNo
Hotel Tourist - Click Here For Rates!Minsk4/5YesNoCall service available
Victoria Hotel - Click Here For Rates!Minsk4/5YesNoGreat location and service
Planeta Hotel - Click Here For RatesMinsk3/5YesYesSmall additional fee. About 10 USD.
Intourist Hotel - Click Here For RatesBrest2.5/5YesNoGirls in disco and bar. Old Soviet style hotel rooms

Make sure to check out the review & rating section here. It will show you all the girl friendly hotels of each Eastern European country and give you valuable tips.

My Verdict & Final Words

minks girls

And there you go! Your guide to find and date some amazing Belarus women on your next trip! They are kind and sweet and with the right preparation you will have no trouble finding a perfect date.


  • Focus on finding a Belarusian women in Minsk
  • English is limited. Learn a few basic sentences in either Russian or Belarusian
  • Salsa parties are a great way to meet the girls of Minsk!! (Who would have thought!)
  • Belarus is not expensive – but not as cheap as Kiev
  • My experience is with dating girls between 22 and 35 years old – not with 35+. You might need to do some extra research.


Looks Of Women: 4/5 
Pick Up Success-Rate: 3.5/5 (Is better when you speak a little Russian or Belarusian)
Nightlife: 4/5
Logistics: 3/5
Cost: 3/5
English Levels: 3/5 (In Minsk only)

If you have any questions please leave a comment below or just e-mail me directly!

Have fun in Belarus!

P.S: To make the most of your trip to Belarus, meet some girls on Russian Cupid before you go.

P.P.S : Don’t forget to check out this fantastic blog post on how to pick up Russian girls using 2018 pick up techniques.


2 thoughts on “Meeting Belarus Girls [ My Experience Dating Belarusian Women in Minsk ]


  2. Hi Rama,

    You should sign up for one the dating websites. It is free and you can choose your age preferences for the girls you wish to date. Eastern European girls love French guys, so I am sure it won’t take long before you find a girlfriend!

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