Interested in Hooking-up With Moscow Girls? – How I did it for 2 Years!

Interested in Hooking-up With Moscow Girls? – How I did it for 2 Years!


Interested in Hooking-up With Moscow Girls? – How I did it for 2 Years!

You are planning to visit Moscow and you are interested in learning more on how to pick up those stunning Moscow girls? You are in luck as I lived and worked in Moscow for almost 2 years as an expat.

Girls from Moscow have always held a sort of mysterious attraction for foreign men. Like the country itself, and its culture and history, the women too are somewhat of an enigmatic illusion. They are known to be the perfect partners because they are a heady combination of beauty, glamour and feminine attraction. And once you have visited the capital you will understand what I am talking about! 

In this guide I will show you my experience with dating Moscow girls and of course other beautiful Russian women!

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Is it all fun and games?

F*ck no! It you think you can just pick up any Russian girl because you are foreigner you are in for a HUGE disappointed.

The girls here are extremely feminine and always prefer the man to lead like in traditional roles. They would always want their man to make the decisions and like to put their trust in a strong and sensible man. Furthermore, these women are keen conversationalists and like to flaunt their intelligence. It would indeed be a pleasure to meet one of them on their home ground.

Ok ok, I know what you are thinking! You have little experience meeting or talking to Eastern European woman and you have no bloody idea where to start?

No worries – Captain “I Will Make You A Russian Dating Machine” is here! After 2 years living in down-town Moscow I can tell you a thing or two about picking up some stunning Moscow girls!

Interested to learn more? – Keep reading!

The distinct dating culture in Moscow

moscow girls in Russia

Rule number 1: Moscow girls are pretty easy to impress if you know what to do and how to behave.

If you do not want to be disappointed, it’s advisable not to have any great expectations when you start dating in Moscow.Before you embark upon a relationship or date with a Russian girl, be honest and ask yourself which way you want to proceed. Being honest and candid sometimes reaps the best results because these women are naturally attracted to such men.

Of course – you do not want to mention right away that you are only interested in hooking up – but you would be surprised how many Russian girls are indeed just interested in casual dating. Try to figure out your own intentions (and hers!) as quick as possible!

That brings me to rule number 2: Looks are everything in Moscow!

The women in Moscow pay a lot of attention to manner in which men dress. After all, it is a fancy city and you will see a lot of trendy people in flashy fashion outfits.

So it is advisable that when you go on a date with one of these ladies you look your best. It’s not important to dress overly fancy, but a well-fitting suit and decent shoes can do the trick. Dab on some perfume and you are good to go!

Moscow women and their unique characteristics

Beautiful russian women
This is Anna. We met in one of the bars on my third week in Moscow. We dated for a few weeks and she looks stunning, doesn’t she?

Moscow girls are very stylish and well-mannered and they expect their partners to be the same. Manners are as important as your personality and can sometimes go further than mere good looks. With Moscow womencourtesy is of the utmost importance.

Golden rule: Courtesy is everything!

These women love for men to behave like men unlike the women in western countries. The women are very much attracted to manly traits and are themselves very feminine in their conduct. Always be a gentleman and watch what you say because these women do not appreciate foul language or uncouth talks.

If you do like to use foul language – use it in a humorist way! Something like: F*ck me, you look beautiful tonight! That saved me many times as I like to use the f-word a lot… and most Russian women hate it!

Always be attentive to your date and do little things that let her know that you care about her, like opening the door for her, pulling out the chair, helping with her coat and using polite language. It would also be great to mind your table manners. Get on the internet and research on how you can improve aspects of table etiquette.

The hot Moscow girls are exceedingly beautiful and charming and can be presenting themselves in a glamorous avatar. They are also very stylish and keep themselves updated with the latest trends. Moreover, the girls in Moscow are also cultured and very sophisticated and they always appreciate the finer things in life.

For example, a vast majority of Russian women are well versed in performing arts and musical instruments. They also like to travel to exotic destinations and cities in Europe and most of these women have a preference for romantic languages like French and German. If you like educated women – Moscow is the place to be!

How do you get started?

Well, that is an easy one. I always use the same technique when it comes to dating foreign ladies. It is all about spreading your chances and checking out as many options as possible. My golden formula is as follows and it worked wonders during my time in Krakow (Poland) where I hooked up with several girls in a few days time!

Golden formula:

Get Online ASAP + Staying down-town = Hooking up almost every night!

Where to meet girls in Moscow?

Well – Isn’t that the million dollar question? 

Moscow girls are far more approachable in a setting off a bar or club. It is also easier and less awkward to start a conversation with Moscow women when you have a few drinks to back up your courage. There are a large number of clubs where you can meet girls in Moscow.

Take some liquid courage and let me show you my favorite bars to pick up girls in Moscow!

Best Bars in Moscow

moscow nightlife

The Time Out is located on the top most floor of the Mayakovskaya Metro and is quite a vibrant place. There is also a well-equipped bar inside with DJs playing music. The crowd may be varied and interesting and may be a great spot to kick start an evening.

Another spot is the Strelka Bar which is on Moscow Island.

You can reach it easily from any of the bars on Moscow Island. This also is a great spot to meet the local women. If you interested in dating younger women, then it would be advisable to head to Icon which is also on the Moscow Island. Gipsy is another club on Moscow Island. Since almost anybody is allowed inside the crowd is mixed. Be aware that the crowd can get pretty big and active.

Moreover, if you are trying to know where to find girls in Moscow, try the Novosibirsk area since foreigners are not that common in that area. Even if you don’t know the local language, confidence is key and most girls do speak a little bit of English.

Best Clubs in Moscow

Chesterfields is one of the best clubs to meet women in Moscow. This spot is highly frequented by the ladies in the city since on Wednesdays they get to drink for free. You will have an excellent time in this club and may just about run into the woman of your dreams.

Mendeleev Bar is located on Petrovka Street. Although it may be difficult to find, once you gain entry it will be a great place to be. This is a very chic avenue and will be better suited for a casual date.

Ugolek is another bar where beautiful and talented local women flock. This is more of a restaurant than a bar but keep in mind that it is a great place to drop in for a drink between 6 pm to 8 pm on a weekday.

The Jagger bar has nothing to do with Mick Jagger and the location is kind of out of the way. Like the name suggests, the place is a rock and roll club and also a pick-up spot. However, be prepared to put up with the heavy crowds and the loud music. Moreover, this place is great to hang out if you are bored with the Moscow Island.

Online dating in Moscow

moscow girls and online dating

Moscow dating is not all about meeting girls in bars and cafes. You can also take to an online dating site like Russian Cupid to pick up girls in Moscow.

This website is great to meet local girls and its location based services will ensure that you meet someone in the vicinity you can easily visit. Moreover, you can also key in search terms that will help narrow down the search when you are wondering where to meet girls in Moscow.

Online dating is now the norm everywhere and is a great way to meet Moscow chicks since everyone knows that the other is single and ready to mingle. This website has a lot of local women among its chat rooms and it is likely that you may find what you are looking for here.

Final Words

As we all know women in countries like Russia subscribe to conventional gender roles unlike in other western countries. Here women expect you to behave like a man would traditionally do. For example, when you date women in Moscow, you should always offer to pay the bill. This makes her look up to you and establish that you are a capable man.

where to meet moscow girls
Dasha and I dated for a couple of weeks. Fun girl I met on Russian Cupid. She wasn’t looking for anything serious and neither was I. Perfect!

Yes, pick up bars in Moscow are a great place to meet girls but don’t underestimate the power of online dating. A word of advice would be that the best time to visit the city if your aim is to meet women would be in September, October, May and June. In August, most women head to Europe, beach destinations and their country homes.


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