Top 3 Best and Free Russian Dating Sites of 2019

legitimate russian dating site Russian Cupid

Top 3 Best and Free Russian Dating Sites of 2019


Best Russian Dating Sites of 2019 – [Avoid Scams & Meet Real Russian women]

Are you planning a wonderful trip to visit mother Russia? And are keen to stay an extra few days in Moscow or St. Petersburg to meet some beautiful Russian girls. Of course you are! What kind of silly question is that? That is exactly the reason why you reading this article. To find out what the best Russian dating sites are for foreigners?

After all – Who would not want to date a beautiful Russian woman?

But finding the right website might be a tricky experience. You might wonder if it is worth investing your time finding all these websites, checking if all the profiles are real, what the costs of the memberships are and what type of girls you will find online.

Well my friend – Guess what? I did all the hard work for you!

We did all the research for you and made sure that we have selected an amazing top 3 list of Russian dating sites that are legit, cheap (some even for free!), easy to use and most important… help you get the girl!

Just sit back, relax and follow my important tips to make sure you get the best dating as quick as possible without any troubles.

Let’s check it out, shall we?

List of Best Russian Dating Websites

Below you will find my top 3 best and free Russian Dating sites. Read each chapter carefully and make sure you check out my anti-scam tips at the end of the blog post. It will save you a lot of trouble.

If you are beginner in dating Russian women, I highly recommend you check out my guide on understanding Russian women. This blog post shows you all the tips and tricks that you need to understand the Russian dating culture and its women. And most importantly, what classic mistakes to avoid!

A must-read if you want to be successful.

Russian Cupid

legitimate russian dating site

One of the most famous dating websites of Eastern Europe are the Cupid websites. They have two version which focus on either Ukrainian women or Russians women.

Let’s ask the million dollar question – Is Russian Cupid legit and is it worth the money?

RussianCupid is absolutely worth the money to meet beautiful Russian women online.

RussianCupid has an average of 95% real dating profiles and all of the profiles are screened for scammers, which will give you a great feeling when you sign up.

I have used this site for almost 2 years and have been meeting Russian girls from Moscow almost every weekend!

A membership is free, but it comes with limited capabilities – but will give you a great impression on how the website looks.

The paid options is  just over 1 USD per day and you can contact and talk to as many Russian girls at once.

My verdict: Legit and go for it. Sign up for free, check it out and if you see something you like just give it a try. A night out with a boring Western girl will cost you 3x as much! I don’t think that the 95% is accurate, because in my experience about 75% of the girls were real. Still an impressive number!

My score: 4 out of 5 stars.

Elena Models

free russian dating sites

Next to Russian Cupid there was Elena Models. This website used to be the one of the top Russian dating sites in 2012 to 2015. The website was very small and was full of legit Ukrainian and Russian girls and for just a few bucks you could talk to 100’s of them. They recently updated their entire website and increased their database with lots of new profiles.

I have tried this website during my stay in Ukraine and the average response rate of the girls was around 50%. Not bad! I did not encounter any scammers, but I also made sure that I only responded to profiles that had legit pictures.

My verdict: Good website and average response rate. The girls looked legit and did not experience any scammers. Fees for the upgraded accounts are also reasonable. I prefer the old lay-out, but that is just a minor detail. Click here to sing up for free!

My score: 3,5 out of 5

Worst Russian Dating Sites

Unfortunately – You can always find a few Russian dating sites that are absolutely worthless. If you ever encountered such a website please contact me and I will add it to the list,.


russian dating sites

Sometimes you will come across a foreign dating site that has such a bad reputation that you might wonder who it still exists. Over the years the famous Russian dating site AnastasiaDate (one of the first dating websites ever) has become a scammers paradise and the reviews of its costumers only confirm this.

I am sure you heard of the website It is a website that shows reviews of certain products and services and the feedback that AnastasiaDate has received from its customers is …

Well how should I put it? B-R-U-T-A-L!

Siwar wrote;

This is a mail I got from a “real girl” in the site after I found the “truly real one” – the message speaks for it self :

“What the hell you want for me? Few years ago some girls used me, they said that we will make a pictures for me for international casting for model agencies, “you need to say few words about yourself on camera and we need your passport in case if the agency will choose you and you will fly somewhere for working on the contract”. I lose all the contacts of this girls so I’ll message to this website and I will complain about all this and will ask them to delete this profile, thank for letting me know about this! I appreciate it. What else you want from me?!”

Evegeny wrote;

This is a fraudulent site. The agency does not allow to get the contact details of the ladies no matter how much you can pay. You can only write letters and pay money. They do not answer your questions. This is beyond all possible limits. Such people should be put behind the bars. Terrible experience.


My verdict: No way, Jose! Stay away from this website unless they have a serious make-over. Til that time I won’t not even sign up for a free profile!

My score: 1 out of 5 stars.

Extra Tips on How to Avoid The Russian Dating Scams

Even if you visit a great website there is always a possibility that you are talking to a scammer. It does not matter if this is a Russian dating website or any other.

Always be careful and keep in mind that you want to confirm as soon as possible that the other person is indeed the person on the pictures.

  • Move the conservation to WhatsApp or Facebook as soon as possible. If she wants to keep talking though the website only make sure you do not pay for the messages.
  • Get a webcam session as fast as possible
  • Always focus on girls who have basic English-speaking skills
  • Never transfer money!
  • Be realistic when it comes to the pictures. If she is a smoking 10+ and you are an old fart with a beer belly… You might want to re-consider and think about why she would want to talk to you in the first place..

free russian dating sites

Final Words

The results speak for themselves – The results are in and the top legitimate Russian dating sites are:

  1. 1. RussianCupid
  2. 2. Elena Models

No hidden charges, fees for stupid translations and others make it that much better then their competition. They one site that you really want to avoid is AnastasiaDate.

Use it together with my tips on how to avoid the Russian dating scams and you will be ready to meet your new Russian girlfriend.

Good luck!

P.S – If you ever have any questions on a online dating experience or you want to check if that Russian beauty you have been talking to for months is legit? Let me know!

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