​How To Date A Russian Girl Online – My Quick Tips!

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​How To Date A Russian Girl Online – My Quick Tips!


How To Date A Russian Girl Online

Interested in a Russian beauty? You are not the only one. The world’s most beautiful models, singers and sports people are Russian. Their beauty is world renowned, hence their popularity among foreigners.

But when you are interested in dating (and not just casual sex), you want to have everything ready before you get there.

You do not want to waste your time approaching women down the street, do you? This is when the idea to date a Russian girl online kicks in. There are plenty of specialized websites out there, but apart from finding the right one, there are also a few things to know about dating such hot babes.

Yes – I Want To Meet Real Russian Women Today!

Date a Russian Girl Online – Communication and Approach

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Dating a Russian girl online is just like dating girls from any other countries in terms of communication and approach. You need a good and complete profile – make sure you include as many details as possible, especially details that can deter people away. For instance, mention if you have been married or if you have any kids.

Women hate to ask you such questions, but they will. Some of them are really strict about it – no need to lie. Have more than one picture and get ready.

The approach is classic. A few short words asking how she is will open some doors. Send out a few lines with a few compliments and you will get even more replies. Include about five lines and you will have an even higher response rate – mention a few things about yourself, a few things you two have in common and why you think it might work.

What to Expect Regarding the Communication

Russian is difficult to learn for a foreigner. Luckily, English is an international language. Not everyone in Russia can speak English. If you join an international dating website to match Russians and foreigners like RussianCupid.com, most beauties you will find there can speak decent English. Some of them will not be very fluent, while others will be really good at it.

You can also try finding local dating websites, but you will also find lots of women who can only say hello in English – nothing more.

There are more international dating websites to try out and each of them will provide a fair amount of options in Russia. The same rule applies to dating applications like POF or Tinder.

However, RussianCupid.com is different – it is based in English, but it features Russians. You know communication will never be a real problem.

Date a Russian Girl Online – Success Rate

The success rate depends on more factors. Russian girls look good. Unless you are a millionaire, you better look good too. Even if you are a millionaire, some of them come from rich families, so looks are still important.

Put yourself into their shoes when it comes to approaching them. A short message might get a reply, but five lines of text will be more successful. Write a novel and no one will bother to read it.

Rules of Life when Dating a Russian Girl

In the western world, people are comfortable with ambiguous situations. Russians hate uncertainty. They like rules, structure and stability. Once they are convinced about something, it looks like the absolute truth. They are not as open minded as girls from other countries (not necessarily a bad thing).

The point is pretty obvious – keep it formal and follow classic rules. For example, if you visit her home or you go on a first date, she will expect flowers.

Read my Russian Women Dating Guide and learn all you need to know about the Russian dating culture.

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Russian girls look amazing. So if you want to be successful you should look your best!

Top Websites and Applications

FDating, Badoo, EHarmony, POF and OKCupid are probably the most popular websites when it comes to international dating. You will find girls from anywhere, regardless of your preferences.

RussianCupid.com is more specialized and matches Russians and foreigners, so the success rate will be higher.

When it comes to applications, most dating websites have one, yet Tinder, Hinge and Happn seem to be the top ones. They are more useful for casual hookups and sex than dating and relationships.

Avoiding Scams when Dating Russian Women

Scams are everywhere in the online dating industry. You do not need to be a security expert to avoid them, but use common sense and keep cool. If someone is asking you to send money for a sick grandfather, a dying mother or plane tickets, avoid it. You are likely to get scammed, regardless of how much time you spent getting to know each other.

If you get approached with the offer of a lifetime regarding how beautiful you are or anything like that, you are probably dealing with a spam robot, so do not even bother to reply. Generally speaking, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Open yourself and provide details about your life, but no private details like your address, banking details or anything that could be a secret answer to a password recovery question.

Taking It to the Second Level

The first level implies getting to meet each other – introduce yourself, find out what you two have in common and share a few messages over a week or so. The second level is where things click – getting to talk to her. Contact her over video calls. Skype is a decent option, yet WhatsApp is just as good. Plus,

WhatsApp implies having her phone number, which makes the whole situation much better. 😉

Seeing her in person can clear some uncertainty. You can also see how she reacts to your words. It is more personal and allows a higher degree of interaction. This second level will remove some suspicions as well – you can tell that you talk to a real person and not a scammer. Find out as many details as possible, ask her about her day and keep your conversations casual and open.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, you do not require too much to date a Russian girl online, but just use common sense and follow a few basic rules. Get to the right place and set your steps clearly, one at a time. The Russian culture might be different in Moscow from the western one, but there is always a middle way.​

P.s – Interested in meeting Russian girls right away? Check my blogpost on the best free Russian dating sites!

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