Dating Romanian Girls – Why Foreign Guys LOVE Romanian Women! 

romanian girls

Dating Romanian Girls – Why Foreign Guys LOVE Romanian Women! 


Dating Romanian Girls – Why Foreign Guys LOVE Romanian Women!

Welcome to Romania! The land of the beautiful Carpathian mountains and of course the home of the one and only.. Count Dracula! But fear not as Romania is also known for something else: cute Romanian girls!

In this guide I will discuss with you where you can meet Romanian women, how you should approach them, where to be careful for and how can avoid being scammed.

Romania is a beautiful country, but like any other eastern European country, you need to be careful and use common sense.

Dating in Romania can be a great experience. Just follow our steps and make sure to e-mail us if you have any questions.

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Where do the looks come from?

If you ever visited Romania you will notice instantly that there are a lot of beautiful Romanian girls..

I mean, they are everywhere!

It does not matter what type of work they do or if they are still studying. Taking care of their looks is their highest priority and the results can be seen anywhere.

Ok ok, I know what you are thinking..

How come looks have such a high priority in the Romanian dating culture?

Well, you can understand it by looking at two important factors: culture and genetics.

If you look at the genetic history of the Romanian people you will see that they are a mix of Dacian, Roman, and Slavic blood lines.

This gives them a very unique facial feature that can be often seen in other Slavic countries, like Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria.

The other (and maybe most important part) is the Romanian culture. You see, from a young age, girls are being taught that they should always look their best to secure their future with a husband and a family.

Because Romania only recently started to develop and increase their economy, a lot of women still have the previous century mentality when it comes to dating traditions.

Therefore, they will invest almost all their money into their looks and you should be prepared for this. It is very different compared to the Western European women.

You will have to give her some time when you guys are getting ready for a date, but thankfully you will notice all the beautiful Romanian girls when you go out.

How to impress Romanian Women?

Romania women
Alexandra from Brasov – I had a great time exploring Dracula’s castle with this Romanian Scarlett Johansson look a like! Met her on Tinder.

Dating women from other countries is an exciting way to learn a new culture, as well as experience something different from what you are used to in local romances. But how do you make a good impression when dating a Romanian girl?

  • Learn more about her country and culture. It will impress her in a big way and shows you made an effort.
  • Learn the local language. It does not have to be much, but knowing how to say hello, or order a coffee will definitely make a great impression
  • Focus on local traditions. Know a thing or two about them.
  • Be kind and supportive to friends and family. It is their number one priority
  • Dress to impress, my friend
  • Gifts like Flowers and Chocolate might sound old-fashion to Western people, but pretty Romanian girls love them!
  • Act like a gentleman. Open the doors, hold their hands and tell them how beautiful they look.

Is it worth it to learn the Romanian language?

That is a good question.

I guess it all depends on what your goals are and the type of women you are dating. Most Romanian women can speak basic English. Not as good as the Polish women or Estonian/Latvian girls – but enough to get a conversation going.

The down-side? They are located in the big cities.

In my experience it was in the city of Brasov where almost every person spoke good English. This was as a pleasant surprise – but with so many tourist attractions in the area it is becoming more and more common.

Romanian girls just love to show their culture heritage and Alexandra happily taught me a few basic Romanian words and sentences. I noticed that it has a lof of similarities to Spanish and French.

This made it a lot easier to pick up certain phrases and with this cheap “Romanian for beginners” course i got the basics down in no-time!

Where to meet Romanian girls for dating?

romanian women
Brasov, Bucharest or Constantia.

To meet the most beautiful Romanian girls you need to travel to the right location.

In this case I would recommend going to Brasov, Bucharest or Constantia.

These three places have the most tourist attractions and also a lot of people live there.

It will be easier to meet new people, but before you do always make sure you checked some dating sites in Romania and see if you are actually successful in finding a date in Romania and meet new people.


Till this day I am still surprised how many guys just fly to Eastern Europe and expect to be successful. It is a W-A-S-T-E of money and you will go home disappointed.

Scout the market first. See what is available and if you even like talking to young Romanian girls.

Maybe you do not find it interested in all and thankfully you will have lost some time singing up to a free dating site.

This is a lot cheaper compared to booking flights, hotels and so much more.

You are welcome!

Girl Friendly Hotels in Romania

If you have successfully picked up a nice Romanian girl you must know if you are staying a girl friendly hotel. A girl/guest friendly hotel is a hotel that allows you to bring a guest back to your room. You wouldn’t want a receptionist to block you and your date at the entrance of the hotel. Trust me!

Book your stay in one of these hotels and you will have no issues.

HotelCityRatingEscort in hotelAdditional feesMy Remarks
Hotel Ambient - Check Best Rates!Brasov4/5NoNo
Grand Continental Hotel - Check Best Prices!Bucharest5/5YesNoYou will find women in the lobby and bar. Sometimes also a few street workers in front of the hotel.
Hotel Herastrau - Check Best Rates!Bucharest4,5/5NoNoAmazing place. Really beautiful. Easy to bring girls to your room.
JW Marriott Hotel - Check Best Rates!Bucharest4/5NoNo
Ramada Hotel - Check Best Rates!Bucharest5/5YesNoGirls everywhere! In lobby and bars.
Topaz Hotel - Check Best Rates!Cluj-Napoca4/5NoNo
Hotel Premier - Check Best Prices!Cluj-Napoca4/5YesNoSometimes girls in lobby and bar.
Hotel Onix - Check Best Prices!Cluj-Napoca3/5NoNoCheapest and girl friendly
Guci Hotel - Check Best Prices!Constanţa4/5NoNo
Hotel Ibis - Check Best Prices!Constanţa3/5NoNoBasic and girl friendly
Hotel Iaki - Check Best Prices!Mamaia4/5YesNoGirls on lobby and bar. Also a few street workers nearby the hotel
Hotel Riviera - Check Best Prices!Mamaia4/5YesNoAmazing view. Girls in bar and sometimes lobby. Street workers present. A lot of tourist girls as well.

Online Romania Dating Sites

online romania dating site

Now this is very important! – Before you travel to Romania you must sign up with a dating site.


If you’re considering heading to Romania, you should definitely consider doing some online dating in preparation. It will prepare you for your dating game and make sure you will be ready for any questions the Romanian girls might have for you.

It also protects you from any scammers you can encounter during the Bucharest nightlife adventures as you will already know the person before you arrive. I highly recommend you do not just try to meet women blindly as your level of success will be very little if you do not speak fluent Romanian and in the south areas also Bulgarian.

I recommend as the best Romanian Dating Site. Tinder and Badoo are not very popular in Romania, and a lot of Romanian women actually use RomaniaKiss as they know that most foreign men use that website.

Sign up for free here, check out all the profiles and try to find as many Romanian women as possible.

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My Verdict

And there you go! Your guide to find and date some amazing Romania women on your next trip! If you have any questions please leave a comment below or just e-mail us directly!


Looks Of Women: 4/5 (Bucharest & Brasov)
Pick Up Success-Rate: 3.5/5
Nightlife: 3/5
Logistics: 3/5
Cost: 3/5
English Levels: 2/5

Have fun in Romania!

PS: To make the most of your trip to Romania, meet some girls on before you go.





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