​Latvian Dating Etiquette For Beginners

latvian dating etiquette

​Latvian Dating Etiquette For Beginners


Latvian Dating Etiquette For Beginners

Latvia is the ideal place if you are looking for a lady – be it for a casual hookup or an actual relationship. Why? Plenty of reasons.

First, there are many more women than men – the gap is bigger than in other countries.

Second, Latvia has a high rate of 8s and 9s – some of the most beautiful women in Europe.

Third, Latvian men are terrible – they cheat and have no respect for women. Fourth, based on the third reason, Latvian girls are into foreigners and they are not religious – it makes no difference where you are from and what you believe in.

Now, what is the Latvian dating etiquette and how can you impress one of those hotties?

riga girls

Latvian Dating Etiquette 101 – Manners

Manners are important when dating Latvian chicks. Women are classy and look after themselves, especially those from large cities. They will keep looking good until in their 40s. Given their traditional profile, they are obviously old school when it comes to manners.

Opening the door for your date is not old fashioned, but simply impressive. It is courtesy. At the same time, you are expected to pay the bill once the date is over. It makes no difference what you choose to do during this date.

Be a gentleman when ordering and treat everyone with respect – these are some of the traits women look for in men.

Looks and Class

Local ladies know they are beautiful, so they are not afraid to flaunt their beauty. However, they are not as obvious as Eastern European girls. They will impress you with a subtle beauty and lots of class. In other words, they represent a cocktail of Eastern femininity and Western casual styles.

Style and class go further than that, as local women do not like to show everything in one go. You might see a full back or perhaps a cleavage – not everything at once though. She might wear a sexy short skirt, but then, there is not too much cleavage to see.

From this point of view, try to be presentable too. Do not wear a three piece suit, but dress casual smart. Keep it casual, but suitable to a smart occasion as well.

In my experience the girls from Riga are more into smart casual outfits compared to Vilnius and Tallinn

Proud and Hot Tempered

In the good way! A Latvian lady might have been by herself for a few years and she would still not settle for anyone. She does want you to make the first move though. Otherwise, she will feel desperate.

She likes to play hard to get. She wants your attention, so give it to her, but also back down occasionally. This way, she will keep her interest in you. To some, it might feel childish, but this is just how it works with Latvian ladies.

Trust me, any other approach will not work! And I have tried them all.

dating in riga
Dating in Riga is fun! Look how beautiful the girls are!

Arrogance and Masculinity

Arrogance will finish your date before it even starts. Do not talk down to anyone – remember, Latvians are proud. This is why you have to be polite to the taxi driver, the waiter, the bartender and so on.

However, do not be a doormat either. Latvian women love a masculine man, but without the arrogance. Do not mistake it for confidence though. There is a fine, but distinct line between them.

Feminism? Hah you a funny guy!

When dating in Latvia, you will be surprised to find out that girls are hardworking. Their mothers and grandmothers were the same. There is no such thing as feminism in Latvia – or at least not the way you are familiar with it in the west. You still have to be a gentleman and open the door, but she will also pursue her own career.

It is all about common sense, rather than the random stupidity you see in the news everyday. A Latvian lady will struggle as hard as you do to find a balance between her family life and work. It is just part of the game.

If you are interested in meeting Latvian girls online – I recommend you check out this Baltic Dating Site for Foreigners.

Patience Is Golden

Riga used to be the sex capital of Eastern Europe. In other words, plenty of foreigners came to Riga only to have wild sex with stunning beauties. While the concept is no longer in date, many girls from Riga are still a bit anxious about foreigners. While they do embrace the concept, they will take their time to open up to you.

So, what do you do then? Nothing! You just let her know you better. You show her your genuine personality and you let the relationship grow by dating and engaging into all kinds of activities. This way, girls gain trust and confidence.

Try Out Their Culture

Latvians – just like many Eastern Europeans – are proud about their country, culture and heritage. In other words, they can criticize their country, but you cannot. When you go out to eat, make sure you try the local cuisine. Ask your date for a recommendation and she will be happy to explain you how certain things are done.

Plus, you better get used to the food. Women in Latvia spend time around their mothers and grandmothers when they are still young. They believe they are supposed to know how to cook for their men. While there are no preconceptions, most of them can impress you with their cooking skills.

Compliment Her All the Time

If you are into beautiful Latvian women, you should know one thing – they know they are beautiful. They have been told about it by both men and women. Complimenting her on her eyes is one thing – she hears it every single day. Complimenting her on her outfit is different. Why?

She takes no credit for the eyes, but she takes credit for her style and preferences. Simply put, always compliment her style and tell her openly about it. Appreciate her hairstyle as well, but do not exaggerate with compliments every few minutes or you will look fake.

Bottom Line

In the end, Latvian women seem to be perfect. There are so many reasons to date one that you barely know what to pay attention to first.​

As always, I would like to know your own personal experiences dating Latvian chicks. Leave a comment below and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest tips and tricks on how to date Eastern European hotties!


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