6 Tips for dating a Polish woman [ Number 5 nails it! ]

tips for dating a polish woman

6 Tips for dating a Polish woman [ Number 5 nails it! ]


6 Tips for dating a Polish woman 

When your story of Polish seduction begins, you probably do not know what to talk about and how to talk to Polish women. Whenever you tried to approach a Polish girl, your mind was totally blank, there nothing was coming out of it and you were afraid you will make an ass of yourself.

You start asking yourself a bunch of questions.What are the topics you can pick for talking? Cars, sports or fashion? Please – you take one good look in the mirror and you just know you can’t have anything smart to say when it comes to fashion, haha. 😉

It actually is not that difficult as it seems to be. The major disconnect that we have here folks is that guys are more on the rational side while girls lean more towards the emotional side. That is exactly why it is not always easy for us to comprehend how or what kind of topics to talk about.

This is no different when it comes to dating Polish women. Let me give you 6 valuable tips that will increase your success rate and prepare you for those awkward, yet necessary, first pick up talks!

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1. Give her a very good reason as to why you approached her

This is very important, more so when you are just starting to get to know one another. In the other case, it’s very easy for you to be misunderstood. You may even end up losing a lot of precious time on some girl who is just not at all interested in what she sees in you or you both having just completely different vibes.

This is also the main key when you are asking her to come along with you to your place. Now here is some tip about asking her to come home with you. Just saying, “Please come over to my place” does not seem to have worked very well for most people in the past. It gets more effective if you can give a logical reason for coming with you. It could be an item that you had left, a collection of flowers, some great photo album or the best pancakes anyone ever tasted.

tips for a dating polish woman

2. Do not focus on substance, focus on the form

This particular rule comes out very handy when both of you do not have any common topics for the conversation. Your conversation will still last irrespective of the fact that you had no common topic, because the common topic will then become secondary (and lesser important as a feature). The way you say something becomes more important than the topic you are saying it on.

3. The art of asking her out

Also give a consideration to the way you are going to suggest her for a date. This strategy was introduced in one of the seminars they had on the internet. For instance, instead of asking her if she will go to the cinema with you – portray it as, that you are going to take her there.

This subtle variation in the form of communication you use will go a long distance into how she feels about you when the conversation is over.

tips for dating polish girls

4. Generate emotions – Avoid flat and boring conversations

A lot of guys can continue speaking for hours about things, that interest…. well only guys!

Girls would rather have nothing to do with that. And there is absolutely nothing wrong about that either, unless of course, you are doing it in the capacity of a sports commentator. We recommend you try this as an exercise. During the next match of football that you would be looking at, pay some attention to the commentator and observe the varied amount of emotions that he will have as part of his narration. Is he just sleepy, boring, calm with all of these things happening at the same time?

Or it may be that his statements are so filled with different levels of acoustic color, volume, different levels of voice and emotional impulses. Now just close your eyes and think as to what actually stayed in your head for longer and which of the messages were stronger: What he said or the way he said it?

This method works perfectly with girls. 😉

5. Never ever put your girl on a pedestal

Just like you have some shortcomings, she is also not a perfect human being and has her own set of disadvantages, so never ever try to glorify her.

This is the most important thing we are going to tell you about your relationship to your girl – never ever bootlick or try way too hard to leave a good impression on her, so you will be gifted by her paying attention to you.

This rule applies not only at the start of the relationship, but continues to hold true throughout the period the relationship continues. There are way too many men out there who consider that women are better than them and more valuable, so they get into flattering women, plant kisses on their hands, carry their shopping bags, treat them like teddy bears in their sex sessions, and during the relationship, they are available on every demand and never resist or object.

These kinds of guys are really boring and at some point in the relationship, the Polish women will get bored with these men.

6. Communicate – Tell her what you feel

You are the guy, and you have the balls. If you happen to like her breast, ass or legs – then say it. If she does irritate you – then say even more of it. Have faith in us, you probably will be one of the only guys in her life, who rather than just saying a polite ‘yes’ the whole time, will be honest in saying something that upsets her.

Even though she may not like it, in the larger scheme of things, you will be able to show her that you are very different from the others. That is one of the cool strategies of the play book and it will make the girls come after you.

 P.S – If you are interested in meeting real single Polish women online, go check out the free dating site Polish Cupid. You won’t be disappointed!

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